Definition of Continental shelf

1. Noun. The relatively shallow (up to 200 meters) seabed surrounding a continent.

Definition of Continental shelf

1. Noun. (nautical) The area of sea around a land mass where the depth gradually increases before it plunges into the ocean deeps ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Continental Shelf

continental US
continental United States
continental breakfast
continental breakfasts
continental divide
continental divides
continental drift
continental glacier
continental philosophy
continental plan
continental quilt
continental quilts
continental shelf
continental shelves
continental shift
continental shifts
continental slope
continental slopes

Literary usage of Continental shelf

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Geographical Journal by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain). (1907)
"A satisfactory exploration of the North Polar continental shelf would therefore be a great achievement worth trying, compared with which the question ..."

2. Forest Physiography: Physiography of the United States and Principles of by Isaiah Bowman (1911)
"RELATION TO THE continental shelf The seaward limit of the coastal lowlands on the southeastern border of the United States is a steep scarp which marks the ..."

3. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1905)
"... outer portion of the channel near the border of the continental shelf, where the channel suddenly becomes a gorge 2400 feet deep in the submerged plain. ..."

4. Report of the Annual Meeting (1889)
"Sea Temperatures on the continental shelf.1 By HUGH ROBERT MILL, D.Sc., ... This portion of the continental shelf is terraced, and the slope varies in ..."

5. History of Domestic and Foreign Commerce of the United States by Emory Richard Johnson, Thurman William Van Metre, Grover Gerhardt Huebner, David Scott Hanchet (1922)
"The continental shelf and the fisheries, 5. Shore line and harbors, 6. The rivers, the fur trade, and water power, 7. Glaciation and its consequences, 8. ..."

6. Geology by Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, Rollin D. Salisbury (1906)
"Particularly may this be true of channels at the outer edge of the continental shelf, where the abysmal slope joins the more nearly horizontal surface of ..."

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